Sunday, December 2, 2007

Welcome to the FastTrac TechVenture Blog...

Hello all FastTrac graduates and current students in South Carolina! I am Joe Milam, a recent graduate of the TechVenture program in Greenville (November 2007). After our class finished up there was a strong desire voiced to try and stay in touch.

I started this blog so we can stay in touch, keep everyone up to date, and meet past and future participants.

Please use the forum to describe what you are doing and report back on any updates and successes. Please send me a quick description of your venture and I will post it as it’s own entry in the blog. This way as you have updates you can post them yourself under the original post.

I want to open this blog up to all participates across the State… please, let us all know what is happening. It is my hope this blog can serve as a way of spreading your message. Another way of spreading your word is to subscribe and set up a profile on Swamp Fox. If you are not currently a member of I would suggest it. This will further open up your opportunities to gain exposure throughout the Southeast.

So let me kick things off by describing my venture. I have started a business called BigLeapGPS to create the world’s smallest personal GPS tracking devices that are both standalone and integrated into other products. Our technology will incorporate many methods of battery conservation and charging of which are currently patent pending. We are speeding toward our 1st prototype and are very motivated to quickly move toward funding the full shebang. We have applied to SCLaunch for support and hopefully funding. We have also submitted our application to InnoVenture for possible presentation in March. We are continuing to get a lot of attention and motivation from all our fellow entrepreneurs. The support network and overall excitement in SC over entrepreneurism have reached new heights and I am just excited to be a part of it. So, come on, who is next to get their venture posted… send them my way to